I have been a Biophoton Practitioner in Toronto for over seven years. With the assistance of a device called the Chiren, I am very quickly able to determine which organs and systems of the body are not in balance. Time and time again I see patients who have not been able to pinpoint the source of their ill health or who are frustrated by a probable medical misdiagnosis. People who perhaps feel just as frustrated as I was when I was looking for the answers that no one could give me.
A few years ago, when I was diagnosed with a serious chronic disease, I was instructed by my doctor to take some medication that had a few very debilitating side effects. I followed his instruction, but after seeing no significant change within the first round of treatments I decided to stop. I was determined to find a better way to heal myself. For a while, supplements took their place, but progress was slow, expensive and undetectable. Once I was treated through Biontology, I knew that I had found the answer. The protocol completely resonated with me and I immediately began the courses. The idea of a treatment that was completely non-invasive with no side effects, and so much quicker, changed my life.
It is the most rewarding thing to observe how symptoms disappear when the causes are removed. Even more, it is amazing to see how motivated, happy and calm my clients become when their natural energy is restored through Biophoton Therapy.
Your body actually emits light on a daily basis, in concentrations that rise and fall with your body clock and the rhythmic fluctuations of your metabolism over the course of the day.The light is 1,000 times less intense than levels that can be seen with the naked eye, which is why most people cannot detect it. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp was the first to suggest that this light must come, at least in part, from the foods we eat. When we eat plant foods, the light waves, or photons, in the plants are taken in and stored by your body.
Biophotons are the smallest physical units of light, which are stored in, and used by all biological organisms – including your body. The purpose of these biophotons is much more important than many have realized. It turns out they may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body -- including supporting your body's ability to heal.
Light Controls Your Cell Functions
It is known in biology that every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. For a long time it was proposed that this occurred through a "mechanical" concept whereby molecules bumped into each other by chance and fit together like a lock and key, or even by slightly changing shape, to come together and form chemical reactions. Granted, this does sound a bit farfetched, and now researchers believe this cellular dance is not random at all, but rather controlled by biophotons.
Illness Occurs When Biophoton Emissions are Out of Sync
Research by Dr. Popp also showed that the light emissions of healthy people follow a set biological rhythm for day and night and also by week and month, as though they are connected to biorhythms of the earth, as well. However, in his studies, the light emissions from cancer patients had no such rhythms and appeared scrambled, which suggests their cells were no longer communicating properly. Likewise, according to his research, Dr. Popp found that multiple sclerosis patients were taking in too much light, leading to a similar confusion on a cellular level. Even stress influenced peoples biophoton emissions, causing them to increase in response to the stress.
Because light is such an integral part of your body's processes, biophoton therapies are at the forefront of medicine. For instance, therapies are emerging that involve stimulating the body with specific quantities of light to reduce pain and promote healing processes. One fascinating alternative practice that Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has started using, based on this science, is to use tools that work with light to influence your biophoton field in beneficial ways. For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your biophotons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the nutrient!